SCIoI 1 - Collective Decision-Making

Speed-accuracy tradeoffs in distributed collective decision making

This project is in collaboration with the research cluster "Science of Intelligence" (SCIoI) based in Berlin. Prof. Heiko Hamann is serving as external PI in several internal projects of the SCIoI.

Main ideas of this project:

  • in animal groups & bioinspired swarm robotics interaction networks emerge from individual motion, spatial features, & social interaction rules
  • Collective decision processes on the network & the spatial network’s dynamics itself are strongly entangled.
  • individual agents locally affect collective decision-making by adapting their decision rules or their network property
  • (co-)variation of social decision rules & social movement responses may have synergistic/adversarial effects on speed & accuracy of collective decisions

This project is done in close collaboration with:
Dr. Pawel Romanczuk,
Collective Information Processing Group,
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin